Monday, March 28, 2011

Coming Home

Jakes coming home tonight!

by Erin Castellano on Friday, June 4, 2010 at 11:03am
So I was at the hospital yesterday and as I was leaving I ran into Dr. G (the attending Dr on Jakes case). She asked me why Steven and I had requested a meeting with Jakes team of Drs. I said that we just wanted to know where things stood. We had not been told what to expect out of his vascular malformation. Life and death kinda stuff. I said that we kinda felt in the dark and were just wondering what the next step was. She said that they had opted out of the biopsy. The doctors decided it was not worth the risk to Jake if the malformation is not causing him any problems right now. Dr. G also said that if we wanted a meeting with his team, then it would delay his time of coming home. I said "Coming home? I didn't even know that was an option! No one has mentioned anything about him coming home." She said that there was no need for him to be in the NICU if he was healthy and the vascular malformation was not causing him any problems. She said hes eating well, pooping and peeing just fine and all of his "levels" have been stable since the day he was born. There was just no need for him to be there. At this point I was speechless. She then said, "Oh, he can go home tomorrow". Then I was really speechless. I told her my husband would probably want to meet with her, as he is much better with the questions. So a few hours later, after Steven and I came up with a list of questions, he went and spoke with her. She stated that we needed to treat Jake like any other baby. His malformation is not causing any internal or external problems, its just there. Eventually, as he gets older, we can discuss surgery and plastic surgery, but at this time, it was not necessary. He will be closely monitored by our pediatrician, who has actually worked with Dr. G, Dr. Herwitz in Murrieta and she has followed Jakes case also. We are also taking him in to see Dr Herwitz on Tuesday. So, at that, we are bring Jake home tonight. He is getting circumcised today, poor boy, and we will head back this evening to fill out paperwork and discharge papers.
I cannot believe this is happening. I remember hoping and praying this day would finally come. After all of the stress of the unknown, things are known.
I do know this is only the beginning to a long road in Jakes life. We are going to be sent to UCLA in a few weeks to meet with a specialist who deals specifically with Vascular Malformations. The doctors at Loma Linda have been in contact with her directly and she is anxious to look at Jakes case. His malformation and case is incredibly rare.
Otherwise we are so excited for Bryce to meet Jake and for our family to be together and get our life started. I am beyond grateful for the amazing support system we have. Thank you Thank you Thank you for your prayers! After we are settled in, please come meet our new addition!

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