Monday, March 28, 2011

Update #6

Baby Jake Update #6 30.4 weeks

by Erin Castellano on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at 4:16pm
Had an ultrasound and Dr appt today. All looked well. The ultrasounds seem to get harder and harder each time. I tend to get light headed and anxious a little faster and then need to roll onto my left side, which then put the technician lying across me to get the images they need. When I lie on my back, the baby ends up lying on some artery or something going to my brain which makes me feel that way. Today there was a student in the ultrasound room and the technician was letting him practice on my tummy, which I usually don't mind, but its getting so uncomfortable and I just want to get it over with. The internal tumor seems to be growing upwards more into his diaphragm, although it is not bothering the lungs or heart. He is breach at the moment and in a "frog like" position with his legs bent up on either side of him. They said this could be due to the tumor being in the way of him putting his legs together in front of him. They didn't seems too concerned about that either. The doctors tend to point out things that may seem a little "off" and then act as if its nothing. So if they're not worried, I'm not...kind of. :)
The doctor said everything seems to be "status quo". We were a little frustrated because the doctors seem to ask us the same questions every time we come in. "Are you aware you will need a repeat c-section? Have you met with the surgeons yet?" Steven asked the doctor if I would end up carrying to 40 weeks if Jake remains stable. She said, "Oh no! Not at all. She should carry to 39 weeks." We thought, okay, not much of a difference. So, as long as Jake remains stable and healthy inside, my c-section should be scheduled for the end of May sometime. We also asked how stable Jake would be after he was delivered. The doctor said with any delivery, its unknown how the baby will react to having the umbilical cord cut. Will their heart and lungs continue to work as they should? Will they breath on their own? In Jake's case, will the amount of overflow of blood hes been receiving and pumping through the tumor cause him distress? There is a complete unknown, but their hope is that he will come out stable enough to be able to breath and survive on his own until surgery. We also determined that the external portion of the tumor is about 4in in diameter. Not as big as we had once thought, which is positive. Its the internal portion causing the most problem.
Anyhow, that's about it. I head back weekly now to see the doctors. Every Tuesday morning. Kiki has been amazing with taking Bryce for us and they have fun play dates each time. Thanks Kiki!!!
I'm about to go take some of the recommended Robitussin for this awful virus and head cold I have. No fun. Thanks again for everyones thoughts and prayers. We will never be able to thank you enough :)

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