Monday, March 28, 2011


Baby Jake Update #?- 32.4 weeks

by Erin Castellano on Tuesday, April 13, 2010 at 10:57pm
Had a busy morning at Loma Linda. Started with an ultrasound. Jake's blood flow and heart rate looked great. The external tumor is measuring the same as two weeks ago, 10cm in diameter. Not growing much if at all. The internal tumor is a bit more difficult to measure but is growing a little more and causing some problems. Rather then the tumor coming off his back externally like a "rabbits tail" it seems to go up the right side of his back a bit. The tumor on the right side is causing his right leg to swell up due to it pushing on an artery. The radiologist was not too concerned about it, as it is not causing him pain. It just looked a bit swollen. Now that we are counting down the weeks, Dr. Gollin, the radiologist, and doctor who knows the most about Jake's tumor and our case, is calling a meeting next week with all of the pediatric doctors and pediatric surgeons to create a plan of action. (Her husband is also a pediatric surgeon at Loma Linda). After that meeting, Steven and I will get a chance to meet with her husband, Dr. Gollin, and learn about how they plan to remove the tumor. I told her today that it was important that we had some information about this process. After Jake is born, everything is going to happen so fast that I want to be prepared.
I have not had any contractions and Jake's heart rate is looking great. Getting very uncomfortable and very ready for Jake to be here. We will schedule the c-section soon for the mid-end of May. They want to take him between 38 and 39 weeks, when his lungs are fully developed. I am also finally getting over my bronchitis and able to sleep better at night.
I also have to share a story about a friend I met on facebook who just delivered her baby girl Evalee. Evalee is an SCT survivor and has given Steven and I so much hope. She was delivered around 30 weeks gestation and is doing amazing. Just like Jake, she is an amazing fighter. Thank you Shannon for sharing your story with us. We continue to pray for you and your family and baby Evalee. She is amazing.
Thanks everyone!

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